Why buy wearable technology for kids?

With wearables becoming one of tech’s top trends, it was only a matter of time before businesses addressed a much younger demographic. But are these wearables the real deal or are they just gimmicks? The technology is still too new to give a definitive answer, but the products coming out look legit. See for yourself…

LeapFrog LeapBand (available August 2014)LeapBandBlogPic
A trusted maker of kids’ electronics, LeapFrog’s LeapBand is wrist-wearable and designed for children ages 4-7. It helps keep kids moving by giving commands like “wiggle like a worm” or Continue reading

3D Printer tattoos your arm

Mary Evans Picture Library/Everett Collection

Yep! The 3D printing revolution is on. The latest from our friends over at Mashable tells the tale of Pierre Emm, Piotr Widelka and Johan Da Silveira, French design students who’ve modified their MakerBot printer to give you that high-concept tattoo you’ve always wanted: A perfect circle! (Video demo after the jump)

Sure I joke, but it will be interesting to see how the tattoo industry reacts to this. Do industry leading artists:  Continue reading